Pdo Threads

Step into the World of PDO Thread Lifts at Beyond Beautiful By Melissa! Our skilled team offers PDO (Polydioxanone) thread lift treatments, a minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelifts. PDO thread lifts are perfect for those seeking to lift and tighten sagging skin without the downtime of surgery. Our experienced practitioners use PDO threads to redefine facial contours, stimulate collagen production, and provide lasting, natural-looking results.

Pdo Thread Lift Treatment

Beyond Beautiful By Melissa is your trusted destination for PDO thread lifts in Chappaqua, NY, Scarsdale, NY, and Greenwich, CT. This procedure involves inserting biodegradable threads under the skin to lift and rejuvenate the face, neck, or jowls. The threads not only provide an immediate lifting effect but also encourage natural collagen production for ongoing improvement in skin texture and elasticity.

During your consultation, we’ll evaluate your needs and expectations to develop a customized treatment plan. PDO thread lift procedures are quick, usually completed within an hour, and involve minimal discomfort and recovery time.

Areas Treated with PDO Threads

PDO thread lifts are versatile and can be used to treat various areas, including the cheeks, eyebrows, neck, jowls, and nasolabial folds. They’re effective for lifting sagging skin, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing overall facial structure.

PDO Thread Lift Procedure

The PDO thread lift process is straightforward. After numbing the treatment area, fine threads are inserted using tiny needles. These threads anchor the skin and lift it upwards. The procedure is relatively comfortable, and most clients experience only minor discomfort.


Frequency and Longevity of pdo thread lifts

Duration of pdo thread lift sessions

Pdo Thread Lift – Before and After

What our patients are saying about Pdo Thread Lifts

“I recently had a PDO thread lift at Beyond Beautiful By Melissa and the results have been incredible.”

“The lift gave my face a more youthful, refreshed look without any need for surgery. The procedure was quicker and more comfortable than I anticipated, and the recovery was minimal. I was back to my routine the next day. The team’s expertise and care were evident throughout the process. This treatment has not only improved my appearance but also boosted my confidence. I highly recommend Beyond Beautiful By Melissa for anyone considering a PDO thread lift.”

– Michaela

Frequently Asked Questions About Pdo Thread Lifts

Ideal candidates for a PDO thread lift are those experiencing mild to moderate skin laxity and looking for a non-surgical solution to achieve a more youthful appearance. It’s suitable for people who want to lift and tighten areas like the cheeks, jawline, and neck. Candidates should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the results. A detailed consultation is essential to assess suitability.

During the PDO thread lift procedure, you will first receive a local anesthetic to minimize discomfort. Fine, dissolvable threads are then inserted under the skin using small needles. These threads gently lift and tighten the skin. The procedure typically takes around an hour, and you can expect to feel minimal discomfort. Most patients report a sensation of tightness but not pain.

Common side effects of PDO thread lifts include mild swelling, bruising, and soreness at the treatment sites. These typically resolve within a few days. There may also be a sensation of tightness or minor irregularities in the skin, which generally settle as the threads integrate. Rare complications can include infection or irritation, but these are uncommon when the procedure is performed by an experienced practitioner.

Many patients achieve their desired results with just one PDO thread lift session. However, the exact number of sessions depends on individual factors such as the degree of skin laxity and desired outcomes. PDO threads dissolve over time, and some patients opt for additional treatments after a year or two to maintain the lifting effect. Your practitioner will advise on the best treatment plan during your consultation.

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